Since the making of this video I found a much simpler way to apply for the grant/loan since the making of the video. Took about 15 min. And I received an actual confirmation number.
Click here:
Also, here is additional information from my friend Jenn Stephens at the local SBA:
The disaster loan program is in high demand so processing time is looking like 3-5 weeks. If you need cash flow more quickly, consider:
* requesting deferment on any existing loans – business or personal; most banks are allowing some length on deferment at this time
* consider interest-only loan payment options on existing loans
* don’t necessarily negotiate on rates at this time as a deferment combined with a rate reduction can kick a loan into a bad category; get details from your lender if discussing this so you can make informed decisions
* look into bridge loans or short-term loans of less than one year in length, short term loans can be paid off with disaster loan funds but loans a year or longer in length cannot
If you have employees you’re considering laying off, you may be eligible for some programs if you keep the employees. Also, if you would hire them back when business picks up, consider keeping them as “job attached” that helps them not to have to fill out weekly job search requirements. There’s no obligation for you to hire them at a certain time, it just helps ramp up more quickly down the line and takes the job search stress off the employee.
There’s a lot more info that I’m digging through so I know this is not exhaustive but hopefully is helpful in navigating all the regulatory changes that have happened in the past week with the bills passing Congress to support people and businesses at this time.