Almost every client I’ve ever worked with is leaving huge amounts of dinero on the table and doesn’t know it. Check out:
So are you.
I’m going to prove it to you.
In this blog post, you’ll see a video of my rant on Mobile Website Buttons.
At the very beginning I explain how my daughter at the age of 6 years old is able to help my 90 year old Grandma set a doctor’s appointment on her iPad.
How can a little girl that barely read set a doctor’s appointment on a website? The answer is Buttons. Modern humans of all ages are now literally programmed to press buttons to get what they want in life.
Ask Yourself: How many times per day do you open up your phone and tap little buttons with pictures to get what you want? 10X 50X 100X per day?
I want you to pay close attention, because you will see something that is PRICELESS to the observant entrepreneur:
*Asking people to push buttons is WAY EASIER than asking them to dig around, get annoyed and leave your website.
Do you know what that means?
If you can place a simple button or two on your mobile website you have just beat out 95% of the competition. If potential customers look at 3 websites to make a decision yours will win almost EVERY TIME!
And the best part is your competitors won’t know what the difference is because it seems too easy… too trivial… believe me, its a BIG deal!
I guarantee that’s the case. All you need is a simple website tweak.
You wanna pick up that extra dinero? Watch the video. Read the book and make the change.
Watch the video
Joe Burnich 406-493-1881